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IS ECU TUNING SAFE? Our ECU re-mapping optimises the power and torque of the engine within the manufacturer’s safety limits, not pushing them to extreme levels. All engines have inbuilt tolerances for all its parts in order to manage the usage over many years and many kilometres. These tolerances are normally very big as the manufacturers need to keep any warranty claims to a minimum as result of a faulty engine. All of our ECU tuning software files are developed on Dynamometer in the company headquarters in the UK with the help of two state of the art 4 wheel drive linked dynamometer with full engine analysis capabilities to ensure our developments are providing you with the best power increases on the market whilst maintaining optimum reliability for your engine. Our investment in dyno facilities means that our development programmes can work side by side allowing us constantly adjust the parameters while the car is on the Dyno making sure all tuning files have been engineered specifically to your specific car and exact model and within the safety margins of the car’s engine. Each of our tuning kits is Dyno and road-tested by our experienced test drivers before it’s available for installation. A professionally installed ECU tune will not cause any technical faults with a well serviced and maintained engine.

IS ECU TUING LEGAL? Yes as long they are registered, tuning a vehicle is considered a modification even though it isn't a visual alteration. We strongly recommend informing your insurance company and DMV of the changes. Failing to do so could invalidate your policy and put you at risk. EGR/DPF, catalyst, OPF and other pollution control system removal is ONLY for Track/Racing, it is illegal to remove these for the use on public roads.

WILL IT AFFECT THE MANAFACTURERS WARRANTY? In short, yes Modern car diagnostics tools may be able to detect tuning remaps and boxes...if they specifically look for them. Even though the modifications are done to the engine management file and there are no visual or mechanical changes. If the manufacturers are not specifically looking for them, they can remain undetected. All remaps and modifications are at the descretion of the owner of the vehicle. If you desire, we can reset your vehicle back to stock before you take it to your dealer, or for a service. Thereafter, we can reinstall the tuned file back into your car, at no additional cost.

WILL MY VEHICLE PASS THE ITV/MOT AFTER THE REMAP (Stage1) ? Yes, it will. The standard emissions tests performed at the ITV/MOT will not be able to detect any changes or increases to the NOx, HC, CO, CO2, or soot emissions in comparison with the vehicles original levels. If DPF/OPF, Catalysts, EGR or any other pollution control systems are removed it can raise contamination levels above the threshold limits and might result in a failed test.

SHOULD I INFORM MY INSURANCE COMPANY THAT MY CAR HAS BEEN TUNED? We always advise that you inform your insurance company of any changes or modifications made to the vehicle. It is however the responsibility of the owner to do so.

THE PROCESS 1. Use the software on our car/lcv tuning page to select your car, and its specs, to find out its potential in power, speed, and performance. 2.) Get in touch via call, email, or whatsapp to book an appointment. 3.) We will go through the 6 step process as described on our home page. 4.) Take your vehicle home, and enjoy it!

DO YOU OFFER A MONEY BACK GAURANTEE? We are confident that our ECU tune will provide an increase in gains, performance, and efficiency to your vehicle, however if for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us within 14 days. We will put your vehicle back to stock, and refund you. * Provided that the vehicle has not been raced, or visually or mechanically modified in any way that could affect the remap, within the 14 day refund window.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It all depends on the vehicle, the spec, the type of flash required, any many other components. Drop us an email or a whatsapp and we wil be more than happy to provide you with a quote. Please be sure to include all details such as the make, model, year, engine type and output so we can provide you with the most accurate quote. ECU tuning prices range from 320 - 1500 EUR with custom builds starting at 1100 EUR.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FLASH MY VEHICLE? Anywhere from 1-4 hours. This greatly depends on the method we will use to perform the tune. A flash through the diagnostic port can usually be performed within an hour whereas a more complicated 'anti tune' flash can take 3 hours. We also need to factor in the time to inspect your car upon arrival, run a diagnostic scan, save the original ECU file, send off the file to be modified, reinstall the tuned file, and perform a second diagnostic scan. Finally, we will always test drive the vehicle to ensure it is running and handling as expected. If time is not on your side, speak to us about our home/workplace visits.

DO YOU KEEP A COPY OF MY ORIGINAL ECU FILE? Yes. We ALWAYS save the file and make a back-up before making any modifications. This way, if you ever wish to put your car back to stock, we can easily upload

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